荧屏中的情景口语 第97期:一周经典语句
日期:2013-11-14 17:44


Classic Statements
1. Better buckle up, Chuck. It's gonna get bumpy.
1. 最好系上安全带,查克,会震荡的。
2. "Fasten your seat belt" sign's on. I need you to return to your seat.
2. 这写着“系好安全带”呢,我需要你回到座位上去。
3. Ted, you've been living your whole life in a seat belt. It's time to unclick.
3. 泰德,你这一生都坐在安全带里,是时候解开了。
4. Where's my seat?
4. 我的座位在哪儿?
5. Where can I put my baggage?
5. 哪里可以放我的行李呢?
6. Do you have anything to read?
6. 有没有可以供阅读的东西?
7. What's the time in New York? It's tweleve hours behind us.
7. 纽约当地时间是几点?纽约比我们这里晚12小时。
8. Excuse me, miss. I'm a transit passenger for Flight No. 556. Can you tell me where to go?
8. 小姐,打扰一下。我是转乘556次航班的旅客。你能告诉我往哪儿走吗?
9. Take the escalator over there and turn right, you'll see the sign.
9. 到那边乘坐自动扶梯,然后往右拐,您就会看到指示牌。
10. Excuse me, I'm transferring to London here. Is this the right counter to check in at?
10. 请问:我转机到伦敦,是在这儿检票吗?

  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • fastenvt. 拴紧,使固定,系,强加于 vi. 固定,系紧,抓
  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.
  • countern. 计算器,计算者,柜台 [计算机] 计数器 adj.