荧屏中的情景口语 第83期:一周经典语句
日期:2013-10-25 18:39


Classic Statements
1. Gentleman, this is the Coast Starlight, one of the great American trains operating on one of the classic American routes.
1. 先生们,这可是海岸星光列车,美国经典路线上的最好列车之一。
2. On this side, you'll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other from of transportation, while on your side, you'll be treated to 350 miles of CostCos, Jiffy Lubes, and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools.
2. 坐这边,可以享受乘坐其他交通工具所无法体会的全景式海岸风光。坐这边呢,能看到350英里的好市多公司,捷飞络连锁店,还有带泳池的水泥民居。
3. Well, there's nothing you can do about it, so relax. Sit back, enjoy the clickety-clack of the steel wheels on the polished rails.
3. 你也没办法啊,放松点吧。坐好,享受火车钢轮在磨光的铁轨上擦出的咔嗒咔嗒的声音。
4. So where are you heading? Well, back to Paris. My classes start next week.
4. 你要去哪儿?回巴黎。下星期就开学了。
5. We'll be taking you all the way to Oakland, and from there, on to Seattle. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
5. 我们先到奥克良,然后到西雅图。坐下来放松一下,祝旅途愉快。
6. I'd like to check some luggage.
6. 我要办托运。
7. Please show me your ticket and ID... Do you want to stow them aboard the train?
7. 给我看看您的车票和证件……是随车托运吗?
8. When and where can I claim the luggage?
8. 什么时候在哪里取行李呢?
9. Please go over there to weigh the luggage.
9. 去那边过秤。
10. Hello, I want to book two tickets for the train to Beijing. Non-stop tickets are already sold out.
10. 您好,我想订两张去北京的火车票。直达票都卖完了。

  • polishedadj. 擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的 v. 擦亮(polis
  • transportationn. 运输,运输系统,运输工具
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • luggagen. 行李
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词