荧屏中的情景口语 第280期:练习时光
日期:2014-08-15 16:37


Practice Time
It is a daily routine for millions of Italians--the morning cup of espresso brewed on the kitchen hob or downed swiftly in a cafe on the way to work. But for years their favorite way of kick-starting the day has had a bad press. Now it seems the tide is turning. There is sound scientific reason to enjoy your morning espresso without worrying about the health effects. Coffee can be good for you--the stronger, the better. Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and arteries. It can relieve headaches. It is good for the liver-and can help prevent cirrhosis and gallstones. And the caffeine in coffee can reduce the risk of asthma attacks--and help improve circulation within the heart. There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone. If you drink too much it can increase nervousness and cause rapid heartbeat and trembling hands. Pregnant women, heart patients, and anyone with a stomach ulcer are usually advised to avoid it.

  • circulationn. 流通,循环,发行量,消息传播
  • nervousnessn. 神经过敏;神经质;紧张不安
  • asthman. 哮喘
  • relievev. 减轻,救济,解除
  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • caffeinen. 咖啡因
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • swiftlyadv. 迅速地,敏捷地
  • routinen. 例行公事,常规,无聊 adj. 常规的,例行的,乏
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间