荧屏中的情景口语 第272期:一周经典语句
日期:2014-08-04 17:27


Classic Statements
1. I can't be transferred; I have an appointment with Doctor Goldberg at 5.
1. 我不要转园,我和戈德堡医生5点有约!
2. Come on. There's definitely something in her throat. Hold her jaw open. I'm putting my hand in. It's stuck.
2. 快点,肯定有什么东西在她喉咙里,抓着她下巴让她嘴张着,我要把我的手放进去,卡住了。
3. His food should always be fresh and placed inside the door out of the sun.
3. 它的食物要很新鲜,而且要放在阴凉的地方。
4. Sometimes I think zoos should treat animals better than they do.
4. 有时候我觉得应该对动物更好一点。
5. Where is that Monkey Island? Over this way. Follow me.
5. 猴子岛在哪?在这条路,跟我来吧。
6. Mommy, can I buy some peanuts to feed the monkeys? No. Feeding is forbidden here, because it spoils the animals.
6. 妈咪,我能买点花生喂猴子吗?不行,禁止喂养,因为很容易惯坏动物的。
7. A zoo is a place where live animals are kept in captivity for the public to see.
7. 动物园是圈养动物以供公众观看的场所。
8. I can't believe they have that polar bear out in the sun like this. Isn't it too hot?
8. 我真不敢相信他们让那只北极熊这样在太阳底下,那不是太热了吗?
9. I had a lot of fun at the zoo and there were not many people around.
9. 我在动物园玩得很开心,并且游客不多。
10. I had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.
10. 在动物园我骑在大象背上兜了一圈。

  • forbiddenadj. 被禁止的
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,