荧屏中的情景口语 第230期:一周经典语句
日期:2014-06-05 17:09


Classic Statements
1. I agree to have dinner with you because I care about you.
1. 我同意和你吃晚饭是因为我关心你。
2. Welcome to Mickeys. Can I take your order?
2. 欢迎光临米齐斯,请问要点什么?
3. Mind if I take this? Oh, uh, no. Somebody's sitting there.
3. 介意我搬走它吗?哦,不行。 有人坐在这儿。
4. Should I send the sommelier over?
4. 需要我叫一个斟酒的吗?
5. The waiters and waitresses of this restaurant are very kind. They always wear smiles in their faces.
5. 这家餐馆的服务员非常热情,他们脸上总是挂着微笑。
6. The environment of this restaurant is very comfortable/pleasant.
6. 这家餐馆的环境非常舒服/令人愉悦。
7. What about steamed fish? It's light.
7. 来个清蒸鱼吧,清淡。
8. Two bottles of Qingdao beer, no MSG and only a little spicy, please.
8. 来两瓶青岛啤酒。菜里不要放味精,少放辣椒。
9. Can you please make sure to give me a receipt?
9. 能给我开发票吗?
10. Waiter! Can we have our check, please?
10. 服务员!麻烦结账。

  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • receiptn. 收据,收条,收到 v. 出收据
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案