荧屏中的情景口语 第20期:一周经典语句
日期:2013-07-17 18:42


1. Don't know why you're looking at that. You can't take that out on a junior ticket.
1. 不要浪费时间了。你的少年图书证不能借那本书。
2. I don't believe it. This is a completely different part of the library. I'm honored that you'd show it to me.
2. 简直不敢相信。这是图书馆完全不同的部分,很荣幸你带我来看。
3. I think the library's going to be a much safer home.
3. 我想图书馆会是一个更安全的家。
4. Sir? This is the supplement. You're right. There is a section on HIV-related discrimination.
4. 先生?这是增订本。你说得对,有一部分是关于艾滋病相关的歧视问题的。
5. Excuse me. Do you know where I can find the State V. Murdock case?
5. 打扰下,你知道哪里能找到国家控告梅朵一案的材料吗?
6. Just a moment. I'll be right with you.
6. 稍等,我一会儿就来。
7. Hello, I want to apply for a new library card.
7. 您好,我想新办张图书卡。
8. OK, I need 20 yuan, your ID card, and photo, please.
8. 好的,二十元,请把身份证和照片给我。
9. There's a refund if the card is well kept and has no dirt and scratches when it is returned.
9. 只要卡完好,没被弄脏也没有划痕,退卡的话押金能拿回来。
10. Excuse me, bags aren't permitted inside the reading room.
10. 抱歉,您不能把书包带进阅览室。

  • permittedadj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)
  • supplementn. 补充物,增刊 vt. 补充,增补
  • discriminationn. 歧视,辨别力,识别