荧屏中的情景口语 第209期:一周经典语句
日期:2014-05-06 17:52


Classic Statements
1. In order to be a great comedian you have to first be a great dramatic actor.
1. 想成为一名伟大的喜剧演员,你首先得成为伟大的戏剧演员。
2. Orphaned at 7 when she came to live and train in the ballet dormitories.
2. 七岁成了孤儿,就到我们的芭蕾舞校接受训练。
3. I'll be performing the seminal, and in my case, semiautobiographical Broadway classic, I'm the Greatest Star, from Funny Girl.
3. 我要表演这首,对我来说有自传性意味的歌曲,歌剧《妙女郎》里的《我是最伟大的明星》。
4. The costumes and the set are marvelous, but the acting is a bit stiff. What do you think?
4. 服装和布景都很棒。但是演得有点儿呆板。你觉得呢?
5. The actor in the lead role is fantastic. I suppose the chorus could be a bit better, though.
5. 男主角演得相当不错。不过我觉得伴唱团还有点儿欠缺。
6. I absolutely adore this director. Every play he works on turns out great.
6. 我非常欣赏这部戏的导演。他导的每部戏都特别好看。
7. Have you seen other plays that he's directed?
7. 那你还看过他执导的其他戏剧吗?
8. There's always a big party for the cast and their friends. My friend has invited us. Do you want to go?
8. 演出结束后剧组为演员们和他们的朋友准备了一个庆功宴。我朋友邀请了咱们。你想去吗?
9. I've never had a part in a play before, but I used to be a part of the stage crew in high school.
9. 我以前从来没在什么剧里扮演过角色,不过中学的时候曾经做过后台工作人员。
10. I helped build the sets and find props for the plays.
10. 帮忙搭建布景,准备道具。

  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • marvelousadj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出
  • dramaticadj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 dram
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • seminaladj. 精液的,种子的,生殖的,创新的,有创意的
  • balletn. 芭蕾舞
  • chorusn. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  • stiffadj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的 adv