日期:2020-06-18 15:00
At dawn, the first rays of sunshine are weak.
黎明时分,第一缕阳光非常薄弱 。
It takes time for the incoming radiation from the sun to counteract the rate that the ground islosing heat.
来自太阳的辐射需要时间以平衡地面失去热量的比率 。
Contrary to what you might think, that means the temperatures are coldest after dawn.
可能与你所想的相反,这意味着黎明后气温最低 。
It doesn't get warmer until the sun is stronger and the ground starts to absorb heat again.
直到太阳照射越来越强烈而且地面又再次开始吸收热量后才会升温 。
So it's like if I put my frozen dinner in the microwave for, say, 20 seconds, it's still frozen.
所以,这就像是把冷冻餐放入微波炉里转20秒,它还是冻的硬邦邦 。
It takes the microwave time to warm up your dinner enough to unfreeze it.
需要给微波炉一点时间来解冻晚餐 。
没错 。
I think I'm hungry. Let's go eat.
我饿了 。咱们去吃点东西吧 。