Computers are great tools, but they can also be mystifying.
计算机是伟大的工具,但有时这个人类的好帮手也叫人无可奈何 。
Sometimes a program will just stop working correctly for no apparent reason.
有时一个程序没有任何明显原因就会停止正常工作 。
It could just be a random glitch that can be solved by restarting the machine.
这可能只是一个随机故障,可以通过“重启”秘籍解决 。
But sometimes the solution is not so simple,
especially if at the root of the problem lurks a computer virus.
特别是如果问题的根源是计算机病毒在背后捣鬼 。
A computer virus is a bit of programming code that gets passed from machine to machine by e-mail or the sharing of programs.
计算机病毒是一种通过电子邮件或分享程序在机器之间传递的编程代码 。
Like a biological virus, on its own a computer virus can't do anything.
就像生物病毒一样,在自己的电脑病毒并无用武之地 。
But once it gets attached to something else, say a document or image attached to an e-mail message, it can wreak havoc.
但一旦它附加到别的东西,比如一个文档或图片附加进电子邮件消息,就可以造成严重破坏 。
Once you open the infected object, two things can happen.
一旦你打开感染对象, 会发生两件事情 。
The virus will reproduce itself to infect other documents and may damage the overall functioning of your computer.
这种病毒会复制自己感染其他文件,可能会损害您的计算机的整体功能 。
Depending on the type of virus, it can simply clog up memory or, even worse, erase data.
根据不同类型的病毒,它可以简单地堵塞内存,或者更糟糕的清楚数据 。
If your computer is connected to the internet, viruses called worms may infect your machine, then use its connection to seek out and infect other computers.
如果您的计算机连接到因特网,一种蠕虫病毒会感染你的机器,然后利用它的连接去寻找和感染其他电脑 。
Unlike natural viruses, computer viruses are created by people and unleashed with the intent of doing mischief or harm.
与天然病毒不同的是,计算机病毒是由人类创造并以恶作剧或伤害为意图发布 。
If you find that your computer has been infected, run a virus detection program to find the virus and destroy it.
如果你发现自己的爱机已经被感染了,运行一个病毒检测程序来找到病毒并摧毁它 。
The best way to protect your computer is to install virus protection software that's always alert and looking out for harmful intruders.
保护你的计算机最好的方式就是安装防病毒软件,以便总是警钟长鸣并且寻找有害的入侵者 。
Plus, never download a program from iffy Websites or open unsolicited e-mail attachments.
另外,从不在可疑的网站或开放的不请自来的电子邮件附件中下载一个程序 。
They may be harmless, but you never know when a virus might be attached and ready to pounce.
它们可能是无害的,但是你永远不知道何时病毒会找上身并且随时准备抓住机会 。