Some of the behaviors appropriate for sex are apparently similar to those for aggression, and the two can become confused.
显然,动物的一些交配行为与暴力行为相似,并且二者极易混淆 。
Another example is tropical fish, which use their coloration to show sexual receptiveness.
再以热带鱼为例,它们通过身体颜色显示交配的意愿 。
The female display for sexual readiness can look a lot like the male display for aggression.
雌性鱼准备交配时显示的颜色与雄性热带鱼发起攻击时很像 。
The biologist Konrad Lorenz has documented how frequently the male fish will become angered and charge the female, or another nearby male, displaying all the behaviors appropriate to aggression rather than courtship.
生物学家康拉德·洛伦兹(Konrad Lorenz)记录下雄性热带鱼攻击雌鱼或周围雄鱼的频率,结果显示这些行为更像是一场暴力,而非求爱行为 。
This kind of link between sex and violence is seen through many different species, and we may wonder if human beings don’t share a little in the confusion.
性与暴力之间的联系在很多不同物种间都存在,我们可能会好奇人类对此是否也会产生混淆 。
If so, it’s up to us to distinguish very carefully between what’s passion and what’s aggression.
如果是的话,那么我们需要谨慎区分何为激情何为暴力 。