Many other brain areas lit up as well, such as memory formation, information integration–in other words, areas associated with decision-making.
许多其他的大脑区域也被激活,比如记忆形成、信息整合——换句话说,与决策相关的区域 。
Researchers are still studying the effect, but apparently a lot more happens in a marmoset brain than a simple “have sex now” program.
研究人员仍在研究这种影响,但很明显,绒猴的大脑中发生的活动要比简单的“性行为”程序复杂得多 。
The specific areas of brain activity suggest that the males are evaluating potential mates before agreeing to a sexual union.
大脑活动的特定区域暗示,雄性绒猴在性结合之前会评估潜在的交配对象 。
This makes special sense for marmosets, because they are monogamous and both partners raise the offspring.
这对狨猴来说意义非凡,因为它们是“一夫一妻制”,配偶双方共同抚养后代 。
Under those circumstances you wouldn't want to enter into a relationship without any thought.
在这种情况下,就不会不假思索地开始一段关系了 。