日期:2019-03-21 11:40
One common explanation of social monogamy is that it's a result of females choosing mates based on the male's ability to provide for his off spring and protect them from being killed by hostile males or by predators.
关于社会一夫一妻制的常见解释是,这是雌性需要雄性养育后代的能力,并保护幼崽不被其他有敌意的雄性或食肉动物杀害 。
As you can imagine, females who have help from males produce more litters, and have more offspring that survive to pass on that paternal behavior.
正如你所想象,在雄性动物的帮助下,雌性可以繁衍出更多的幼崽,并且会有更多的后代存活下来,这种父系行为模式就可以世代流传下去 。
Actually, a study suggests that maybe things happened the other way around, that monogamy evolved first and that paternal instincts evolved later and helped stabilize monogamy.
事实上,一项研究表明,事实可能恰好相反,首先是一夫一妻制不断进化,之后父性本能才开始进化,并最终巩固了一夫一妻制 。