Specifically, the researchers have observed that moose that suffer from arthritis seem to have not had access to proper nutrition early in life.
特别需要注意的是,研究人员观察的那些患关节炎的糜鹿似乎在幼年时期都没有获得足够营养 。
Perhaps they were born during a drought when there weren’t enough berries and other plants to eat. Whatever the case, even if those moose had plenty to eat later on, their very early nutritional deficits appear to have doomed them to an adult life of aching joints.
也许是因为它们出生在旱期,没有足够的浆果和其他植物果腹 。无论如何,即便那些糜鹿后来有足够的食物,它们幼年的营养匮乏导致其成年生活注定要忍受关节炎的折磨 。
The takeaway for scientists who study arthritis, and doctors who treat it in people, is that how and what we eat, even as babies, may lay the foundation for chronic arthritis and other health problems later in life.
研究关节炎的科学家和治疗关节炎的医生得出结论:即便是婴儿时期,我们的饮食方式和所吃食物可能会为日后患慢性关节炎和其他健康问题埋下隐患 。
And thanks to the moose, those scientists are also beginning to better understand the sorts of diets that could lower those risks.
多亏了对麋鹿的研究,那些科学家也开始更好地了解可降低患关节炎风险的饮食种类 。