时差N小时:蜂王浆(下) The Royal Jelly
日期:2013-12-10 14:41
The results are spectacular.
结果非常惊人 。
Thanks to their super-nutritious diet, queen bees grow up to one and a half times larger than regular bees, live forty times longer than normal bees, and lay up to two thousand eggs per day.
由于超有营养的饮食,蜂王长大后的身体比工蜂长1/3,寿命是工蜂的40倍,每天产卵2000个左右 。
Inevitably, entrepreneurs have attempted to capitalize on royal jelly by creating jelly-infused dietary supplements that supposedly make people stronger and more virile.
必然地,企业家们试图利用蜂王浆牟利 。他们大量制作注入浆状物的营养保健品,大概能使人的身体更强壮和更有男子气概 。
But don't go spreading royal jelly on your toast just yet.
但别马上把蜂王浆涂到烤面包上 。
Although it does the trick for bees, there's no solid proof that the stuff will make you king or queen for even a day.
尽管它对蜜蜂管用,但并没有确凿的证据证明它能够让你成为哪怕一天的国王或女王 。