If you read dog-training books or watch dog trainers on television, you've probably learned that to control your dog, you have to display dominance. It's commonly thought that because dogs are pack animals, they live according to dominance hierarchies---either you're the dominant top dog or you're a submissive underling. So, according to many popular dog-training methods, you've got to show a dog who's boss in order to make it sit, stay, fetch and obey other commands.
如果你读过训狗书籍或者在电视上看过训狗节目,那你可能知道想要控制你的狗,必须展示自己的支配地位 。人们通常认为狗是牲畜,所以它们要依靠着统治阶级而生存——不论是领头狗还是顺从的狗部下 。因此根据许多流行的训狗方法,你应该向狗指示谁才是他真正的主人,谁能让它坐下、停下来、去取东西和服从其它命令 。
But a study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that using confrontational methods to train dogs often results in pets that are more aggressive and unmanageable. Common techniques include hitting or kicking a dog, growling, rolling a dog on its back and holding it down, staring a dog down and grabbing a dog's jowls and shaking. The researchers' survey of 140 dog owners showed that these aggressive methods resulted in an aggressive response from dogs at least twenty-five percent of the time. So how should you train your dog?
但是宾夕法尼亚大学研究人员进行的一项研究认为,采用对抗方式训练狗狗往往适得其反,会使狗狗变得更具攻击性和不易管理 。常见的一些对抗式训练法方法包括:打、踢,对着狗咆哮,拖着狗的背部滚动,盯着狗看,抓住狗的下巴摇晃 。调查发现140名狗主人在展示这些攻击性训练方式时,结果至少有25%的狗狗做出攻击性反应 。那么你应该怎么训练狗狗呢?
Many expert trainers advocate treating a dog much as you would a small child. Gentle training techniques emphasize building a healthy relationship with your dog by opening clear lines of communication and establishing a set of rules and boundaries. This includes rewarding dogs for good behavior and not expecting your dog to obey all your commands right away. Like most kids and even many adults, learning to behave takes time and patience.
许多训狗专家鼓励人们像对待小孩一样来训练狗狗 。温和的训练技巧注重通过开放透明的交流与狗建立一种健康的关系,同时设立一套规则和界限 。这包括表现好时给予奖励,但不要期待你的狗狗会立刻服从你的命令 。就像大多数孩子,甚至是有些成年人一样,学会行事需要时间和耐心 。