Now have a young person drop rocks onto the moonscape.
现在,让一位年轻人往“月球表面”上扔石头 。
When it hits, the energy of the falling rock is transferred to the powdery surface, and voila! Impact crater.
当石头撞击表面时,石头下落的势能会在粉状表面转化成撞击力,瞧!陨石坑出现了 。
Instead of just doing it at random, though, have your young person drop one rock from a height of two feet, another from four feet, and another from six feet.
不要随意地投掷石头,先从两英尺的高度往下扔,然后再从四英尺的高度扔,最后从六英尺的高度再扔一次 。
You’ll find that the craters change shape depending on the energy of the incoming meteorite.
你会发现,陨石坑的形状会随着陨石的势能而改变 。
Higher-energy impacts make wider craters, with debris shooting out from their centers in what are called “rays.”
能量越大,形成的陨石坑就越大,陨石坑中心受到撞击后碎片如射线般四处飞溅 。
Smaller ones look like little volcanoes. Throwing a stone at an angle makes an oblong crater.
较小的陨石坑看起来像小火山 。以倾斜的角度扔石头会形成椭圆形的陨石坑 。
Afterward, take a look at the moon again through binoculars when it rises.
以后等月亮升起时,再用望远镜仔细观察 。
You may have a better sense of what all those pock-marks really are!
你可能就会对月球上的这些“凹坑”有更深刻的认识了 。