How is this possible, you ask?
The best explanation is known as the “privileged window” hypothesis.
最好解释就是“幸运之窗”假说 。
The gist is that when we rely on feelings to make a prediction, we’re really summarizing and calling on everything we know about the subject in question.
其依据就是当我们凭直觉作出预测时,我们其实是在总结和回想一切与预测事物有关的信息 。
It’s similar to what journalist Malcolm Gladwell wrote about in his best selling book “Blink”
该结论与记者马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)在其畅销书《眨眼之间》中提及的观点类似:
that the more we know about something the greater our ability to make snap judgments and predictions without thinking too much.
我们对某一事物了解越充分,越容易快速作出判断与预测,无需思考太久 。
Unlike Gladwell’s theory, though, the recent study is less about snap decisions and more about consciously deciding to rely on feelings to make predictions.
与格拉德威尔所提理论所不同,比起瞬时决策,该研究更加倾向于依靠直觉,有意识地作出预测 。
Do that, and you’re more likely to be able to sense what may happen in the future.
充分发挥你的直觉吧,那样你预测未来的可能性更大 。