Nest scouts, who search for new hive locations, were three times more likely to be nectar scouts when older.
寻找新蜂巢的筑巢蜂在年老时有三倍的可能性会成为寻蜜蜂 。
To determine if there are differences between scouts and non scouts, researchers examined their brains to see which genes were active.
为了确定寻蜜蜂与保育蜂是否存在差异,研究人员检查了它们的大脑,寻找哪些基因是活跃的 。
What they found was surprising. There were large differences in over one thousand genes.
他们的发现出人意料 。蜜蜂的上千种基因差异甚大 。
Some of those genes are very similar to ones associated with human novelty seeking behavior.
其中一些基因与人类追求新奇行为相关的基因十分相似 。
Scientists examined genes controlling dopamine signaling, which reinforces pleasure in humans.
科学家研究了控制多巴胺信号的基因,这种基因会增强人类的愉悦感 。
In bees it works just the opposite; high dopamine reinforces aversion.
而该基因在蜜蜂体内的作用却恰恰相反;多巴胺含量高会增加蜜蜂的厌恶感 。
Bees with genes that made more dopamine receptors were non scouts, while those with low receptors tended to be scouts.
携带能够分泌较高多巴胺感受器基因的蜜蜂为保育蜂,而那些产生较少感受器的蜜蜂则为寻蜜蜂 。