Acne:the scourge of adolescence.
粉刺:青春期的灾难 。
Most people endure it atsome point, and can't wait to be rid of the combination of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, andpustules that comprise the skin condition that affects over 80% of teenagers and nearly 20% ofadults.
许多人都在忍受它带来的麻烦,迫切地想要摆脱白头、黑头、丘疹、脓疱的困扰 。这些问题滋扰着超过80%的年轻人和近20%的成人 。
Acne begins with the pores from which hair grows.
These pores contain sebaceous glands thatproduce a type of oil that lubricates hair and skin.
这些毛孔包含了皮脂腺,而皮脂腺能产生可以滋润毛发和皮肤的油 。
When the glands produce the right amount ofoil, there's usually no trouble.
当这些腺体产生适量油脂的时候,通常不会出现问题 。
But, when a pore gets clogged with too much oil and dead skin cells, problems arise.
但是,当一个毛孔被过多的油脂和死去的皮肤细胞堵塞,问题出现了 。
The onset ofpuberty in most kids involves the production of hormones.
许多孩子的青春期伴随着荷尔蒙的产生 。
These hormones cause the sebaceousglands to make excess oil.
这些激素导致皮脂腺分泌多余的油脂 。
Too much oil clogs pores and attracts bacteria, which feed on the oiland begin to multiply.
过多的油脂会堵塞毛孔并滋生细菌,细菌靠这些油脂生存和繁殖 。
A clogged pore can only stand so much internal pressure before its wallsbreak, allowing the oil and bacteria to seep under the surrounding skin.
一个堵塞的毛孔的承载量是有限的,当压力过大时毛壁会破裂,油脂和细菌会渗漏到附近的皮肤上 。
This gives rise tosomething every teen dreads: a pimple.
每个年轻人的噩梦-粉刺产生了 。
Contrary to popular belief, eating foods such as pizza and chocolate does not cause or exacerbateacne.
不同于大众的认知,吃诸如披萨和巧克力之类的食物并不会导致或者恶化粉刺 。
Whether or not a person will have acne as a teenager or adult is largely a matter of genetics:if your parents had it, there's a good chance you will too.
不管是青少年还是成年人,人们产生粉刺的原因在于基因:如果你的父母有过粉刺,你很可能也会有 。
Although there is no cure for acne, simple remedies to prevent a build-up of oil in pores, such aswashing your face with soap and warm water and using oil-free cosmetics, can help.
尽管没有根治粉刺的方法,但有办法可以防止毛孔的油脂堆积:比如用温水和肥皂洗脸,使用不含油脂的化妆品 。