The debate over gun control in America has been ongoing and intense for many years — with proponents seeking to reduce gun—related injuries and curtail criminal activity, and opponents sighting second—amendment rights and the need to defend themselves. Despite the complexities of differing opinions, sometimes there's been enough agreement for legislation to pass Congress.
在美国枪械管制一直是多年来备受争议的话题 。支持者力图减少枪支造成的受伤事件以及残忍的犯罪活动,而反对者则照准第二修正法案的权力,以及防身的需要 。尽管意见不同,情况复杂,但有时还是有足够的协议让国会通过立法 。
The first major gun control act was passed by Congress in 1934, regulating the sale of fully—automatic fire arms, like machine guns, after an assassination attempt on President-elect Franklin Roosevelt and a series of organized crime killings. In 1938, a further restriction required licenses for gun dealers, and prohibited gun sales to people who had committed a violent felony.
1934年,在企图暗杀总统当选人富兰克林·罗斯福以及一系列有组织杀人事件之后,国会通过了第一项重大的枪械管控法案,这条法案规范了全自动武器,比如说机关枪的销售 。1938年进行了更进一步的限制,即要求枪支经销商持照经营,并禁止向有过犯罪记录的人的售卖枪支 。
The 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy — which was committed with a mail—order rifle — and the subsequent assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kenndey in 1968, led Congress to pass additional legislation. The Gun Control Act of 1968 added many restrictions on who could import, buy, and sell guns, and established harsher penalties for those using a gun in the commission of a federal crime. The debate on gun control remains an intense one across the country today — making this a particularly difficult issue to tackle.
1963年约翰·肯尼迪总统刺杀事件——事后证实凶器是邮购步枪——1968年马丁·路德金和参议员罗伯特·肯尼迪被刺,促使国会通过新的立法 。1968年的枪械管制法令对进口,购买,售卖枪支又进行了多项限制,并且对使用枪支进行联邦犯罪的人处以更严厉的惩罚 。如今,枪支管控仍然是全美人民备受争议的话题,这使枪支问题变得尤为棘手 。