The sealed lid keeps the steam inside, raising the pressure inside the cooker to about twice normal air pressure.
密封的盖子保存了锅内的水蒸气,导致锅内的压强升至标准大气压的两倍 。
Now here’s the secret of speedy pressure cooking.
接下来就是高压锅快速烹饪的秘诀 。
As pressure rises, so does the boiling point of water.
随着锅内压强不断上升,水的沸点也逐渐升高 。
At the higher pressure inside the cooker, the boiling point of water goes up to about 252 degrees.
当高压锅内的压强维持在较高水平时,水的沸点会上升至华氏252度左右 。
So, food cooks at a much higher temperature in a pressure cooker, and that's why it cooks more quickly.
因此,高压锅内烹饪食物的温度更高,烹饪时长也就更短 。
Pressure cookers control cooking temperature by maintaining a certain pressure.
高压锅通过维持某一压强来调节烹饪温度 。
A vent on the lid releases steam when the right pressure, and therefore the right cooking temperature is reached.
在适当的压力下,密封盖上的排气孔户释放水蒸气,从而达到理想的烹饪温度 。
And to prevent disasters like boiled potatoes exploding onto the ceiling, modern pressure cookers also have a safety valve to release steam, just in case the vent gets stuck.
为了避免发生煮熟的土豆炸飞到天花板的意外事故,现代高压锅还有一个安全阀门释放水蒸气,以防排气孔堵塞 。