If you're planning a trip to Greece in the future, you'll want toschedule a visit to the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
如果有一天,你打算去希腊旅游,你可能会将特尔斐的阿波罗神庙列入行程单 。
This famoustemple was the home to the Pythia, a specially chosen andtrained woman who, according to legend, channeled the voiceand wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy.
阿波罗神庙的女祭司皮提亚,传说,皮提亚是掌管预言的阿波罗神钦点传达预言和智慧的女祭司 。
Generals,politicians, and private citizens of the ancient world flocked to Delphi to question the Pythia andseek her divinely inspired advice.
古时候,将军、政治家、普通百姓蜂拥而至,只为求得宣示的神谕 。
Ancient scientists and philosophers attributed the oracle's power to vapors that bubbled upthrough a chasm and spring running through the oracle's chamber inside the temple.
古代的科学家和哲学家称,神谕的力量来自从深坑冒出的袅袅蒸气以及神庙内殿神龛喷出的泉水 。
Inhalingthese vapors, according to the ancients, induced a trance-like state that endowed the oracleswith divine prophetic power.
祖先们认为,吸入气体,飘飘欲仙,并赋予了神圣的预言神力 。
Around 1900, excavations at Delphi revealed no chasm orescaping gases, and so the ancient accounts were discredited.
直到公元1900年,科学家挖掘遗址,并未发现所谓的深坑,也没有飘散的气体 。证实前人的记载并非属实 。
Until recently, that is Geological surveys of the area have detected two faults, or cracks in theearth's crust, intersecting directly under the oracle's chamber.
直至最近,在对当地进行考察中,发现了地壳有两道断层或裂缝,正好交错于神庙内殿神龛下面 。
Samples from Delphic spring waterand rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene.
特尔斐泉水的样本以及断层裂缝岩石的样本中提炼出几种化学物质,其中包括乙烯 。
Tests have shown that when administered in proper dosage, ethylene can result in a trance state.
Those affected are conscious, able to sit upright, can answer questions, and afterwardsexperience amnesia.
但是神志清醒,可以笔直地坐着,可以回答问题,但是可能很健忘 。
Some subjects react violently, screaming and throwing themselves about.
有些个体变得很暴力,大吵大闹,疯疯癫癫 。
Such reactions to ethylene are consistent with ancient reports.
这些对乙烯的反应和前人的记载吻合 。
Unlike their Greek predecessors,modern scientists leave Apollo out of the picture.
与希腊的祖先不同,现代科学家慢慢解开了阿波罗神庙的面纱 。
But once again, science gives at least partialcredence to something that was once considered only a myth.
至少,曾经我们对曾认为是神话的事情有所了解了 。