Bees take on different jobs in a bee hive according to their age.
蜜蜂的年龄不同,在蜂群中的分工也不同 。
Many become food scouts when older, but not all scouts are the same.
随着年龄增长,很多蜜蜂会成为“食物侦察兵”,但所有“侦察兵”的分工也不同 。
Some search for new flowers, while others fly to and from established nectar sources.
一些去寻找新的花朵,其他的则往返于已确定的花蜜来源 。
A team of scientists wondering if some bees might be natural risk takers decided to put that question to the test.
一组科学家好奇有的蜜蜂是否天生就是“冒险者,于是他们决定借实验寻找答案 。
They placed a hive in an enclosure with a feeder of sugar water and marked each bee that visited the feeder.
他们把蜂巢移到一个栅栏中,栅栏周围放置了装有糖水的喂食器,他们将每个去过喂食器的蜜蜂都做上标记 。
A few days later, they added second feeder and marked the bees that found that one.
几天后,科学家们又安置了第二个喂食器,并将飞到此处的蜜蜂做了标记 。
Challenging the bees again, they moved the second feeder to a new location and marked the bees that discovered that location too.
为了再次测试蜜蜂,他们将第二个喂食器重新换了位置,再将发现新位置的蜜蜂做了记号 。
Bees that found new feeders both times were called scouts, while bees that only gathered nectar at the old feeder were called non scouts.
两次发现新喂食器的名为“寻蜜蜂”,而只在原先喂食器内采蜜的蜜蜂名为“保育蜂” 。