The federal government's concern with safe drinking water dates back to 1914, when the U.S. Public Health Service established standards for bacteria in drinking water on ships, trains, and other interstate carriers.
联邦政府对饮水安全的关注可追溯到1914年,当时美国公共卫生局为船舶、火车以及其他州际航空公司的饮水系统设立了标准,严格控制细菌数量 。
By the late 1960s, more and more man-made chemicals were being used in industry and agriculture. There was scientific proof that these chemicals were making their way into the nation's drinking water through street and farm runoff, leakages from underground disposal tanks, and factory waste. In 1972, drinking water safety first became a major public issue when scientists studying the Mississippi River found 36 industrial pollutants present in the Louisiana area water supply.
直到20世纪60年代,运用到工业和农业中的化学物越来越多 。有科学证据证明这些化学物正通过多种方式渗入国家饮水体系,包括城市和农业径流,地下污水处理系统,以及工厂废弃物 。1972年科学家在研究密西西比河时,发现路易斯安那地区的水供应中存在36种工业污染物,自此饮水安全首次成为国家的一个重大公共问题 。
In response, Congress passed The Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974, establishing national drinking water safety standards and addressing inconsistencies in monitoring the nation's water supply caused by differing state standards. A series of congressional amendments in 1986, '88, and '96 added additional protection. But even today, a powerful hurricane or any unexpected disaster can cause a disruption in the controlled supply of safe drinking water—and water systems on trains, ships and airplanes need consistent monitoring — making this an issue that requires ongoing attention.
为了应对危机,国会于1974年通过了《安全饮水法案》,设立了国家饮水安全标准,并解决了因各州标准不同造成的监管矛盾 。国会于1986年、1988年以及1996年颁布的一系列修正案又提供了附加的保护措施 。然而即使在今天,一场强大的飓风或者任何意想不到的灾难都会破坏安全饮水的供应 。此外需要持续监控火车、船只以及飞机上的供水系统 。因此饮水安全问题需要人们持续的关注 。