Most of us are cautious eaters.
大多数人对吃的东西都很谨慎 。
If you're munching grapes, you'll probably skip one that's allshriveled and discolored in favor of the round, healthy ones.
比如在吃葡萄时,你会选择圆圆的,健康的葡萄而不是那些枯萎变色的 。
Likewise, when you choose a can of food at the supermarket,you'll likely choose one that's exactly can-shaped, not one that'smisshapen and swollen.
同样地,当你在超市挑选罐装食品时,会选择包装完好的罐头,而不是那些畸形或膨胀的 。
There's a good reason for this.
这样做是有原因的 。
A can of food can swell for two separate reasons.
罐装食品膨胀有两种不同的原因 。
The first is what food scientists call “hydrogenswelling,” and it only happens to cans of acidic food such as tomatoes or citrus fruit.
第一种就是食品科学家所说的“氢膨胀”,只有装有酸性食品的罐头才会发生这种现象,比如西红柿或柑橘类的水果 。
The acids in the food begin to attack and dissolve the metal lining of the can, and one of the by-products of this chemical reaction is hydrogen gas.
食品中的酸性物质开始溶解罐的金属内层,这种化学反应会产生氢气 。
Because the can is sealed, the gas builds up,causing the can to swell.
由于罐是密封的,气体逐渐积聚起来,使罐头膨胀 。
The second reason a can swells is the result of poorly processed food.
第二种原因是糟糕加工的结果 。
Before it's canned, foodneeds to be sterilized to remove all the potentially dangerous microorganisms-especially thosethat can live inside a can without oxygen.
在装罐之前,食品需要消毒,消除所有潜在的不安全微生物,特别是那些能够在无氧条件下生存的微生物 。
If some of these organisms are left behind, they can thrive in the can, spoiling the food and givingoff carbon dioxide gas.
如果这些生物留在罐头内,它们会大量繁殖,使食物变质产生二氧化碳气体 。
In this case, carbon dioxide causes the can to swell.
在这种情况下,就会是罐头膨胀 。
Standing in the supermarket aisle, there's no way you can tell whether a can is swollen because of hydrogen or carbon dioxide gas, but that really shouldn't matter.
站在超市的走道上,我们没有办法辨别罐头膨胀是由于氢气还是二氧化碳,但也没关系 。
Assume that the food has spoiled, inform the store manager, and choose a healthy, can-shapedcan instead.
假如食品已经变质,告诉商店的经理,然后选择一罐好的就可以了 。