Tempered glass shatters into tiny bits, rather than large, jagged shards like regular glass.
破碎后的钢化玻璃为细小的碎块,而普通玻璃破碎后为巨大、锋利的碎片 。
If you’ve seen little squares of a car windshield scattered on the street, you’ve seen how tempered glass shatters.
如果见过街上散落一地的汽车挡风玻璃碎块,你就知道钢化玻璃破碎后的形状了 。
Car windshields are also commonly made from laminated glass, which has a tough, thin layer of plastic sandwiched between two layers of glass.
If laminated glass shatters, it remains sticking to the plastic rather than scattering in splinters or shards.
当层压玻璃破碎后,玻璃碎片会沾在塑料上,不会到处散落 。
Airplane windshields and bullet-resistant glass take this concept to a whole new level, with several layers of plastic layered with, and bonded to, layers of glass.
通过将多层塑料夹层和多层玻璃叠压在一起,飞机挡风玻璃和防弹玻璃将层压玻璃的概念上升到了一个新高度 。
That makes a composite material strong enough to withstand high pressures, varying temperatures, and even the impact of a bullet or an unlucky bird.
这种复合材料的强度足以高压、温度变化,甚至是子弹与飞鸟撞击飞机的力度 。