Scientists have suspected for many years that fish might giveoff a chemical signal to warn other fish about the presence of predators.
多年来科学家们一直都在怀疑鱼会释放一种化学信号来警告其他鱼类捕食者的出现 。
When a fish in a schoolis injured,
for example, the rest of the school will panic and swim away in response.
鱼群中的其它鱼将会感到恐慌并且四散游开 。
Scientists dubbed this unknown chemical “Schreckstoff,”
or “scary stuff” in German,
德语译为“令人恐惧的东西” 。
but theydidn't know what it was composed of until recently.
但是直到最近他们才知道这种物质的组成 。
A major component in fish skin, chondroitin sulfate,
appears to be the mystery chemical.
似乎就是那种神秘的化学物质 。
When afish is wounded,
this substance is converted by enzymes into sugary molecules that are thenshed into the water.
这种物质就会通过酶的作用转化成含糖分子释放到水中 。
Scientists tested one of those molecules, glycosaminoglycan chondroitin or GAG for short, onzebra fish.
科学家们测试了用斑马鱼释放出来的分子中的其中一个,可称为葡糖胺聚糖硫酸软骨素或简称为GAG 。
They found that the sugary warning is detected by special crypt cells in the brain'sscent processing olfactory bulb.
他们发现这种含糖的警告可以被特殊的隐窝细胞检测到,而隐窝细胞存在于大脑处理气味的嗅球中 。
This region is directly connected with higher areas of the brainand could initiate a quick flight response in fish.
这一区域和大脑更高级的区域相连,可以刺激鱼快速逃跑 。
Scientists have also found that closely-related species sometimes respond to each other's warningsignals,
but unrelated species do not.
但是不同的物种就不会有反应 。
This suggests that there may be a variety of sugary-smellingmolecules,
with each species producing their own version.
每个物种会产生它们自己的版本 。
Because the zebra fish brain is relatively simple,
this research is allowing scientists to investigate atthe cellular level what happens in the brain when an organism detects danger.
这项研究让科学家们可以在细胞水平上研究当生物遇到危险时大脑的反应机制 。
It will allow them tosee how groups of neurons regulate behavior and emotional responses.
也可以研究神经组织是如何控制行为和情感反应的 。
Fortunately, fear doesn't smell sweet for humans.
幸运的是,人类的恐惧闻起来不像糖 。
We can enjoy all the apple pie, ice cream, candyand cookies that we want.
我们可以尽情的吃我们想吃的苹果派,冰激凌,糖果和饼干 。