Everyone knows that a sharp knife cuts better than a dull one,but do you know why, exactly?
The purpose of the cutting edge of a knife is to concentrate the force that's being applied at the handle.
刀刃的作用就是将人们用在刀把上的力集中起来 。
When you push down on the handle of a knife you exert a force.
当你按下刀把时,实际上你施加了一种力 。
The force on the handle and the edge are the same, but the areas in which the force is concentrated are quite different.
这种力无论是在刀把还是刀刃上都是等量的,但力的聚集区域不同,所产生的效果则有天壤之别 。
At the handle your hand's force is spread over a wide area, but on the cutting edge it isconcentrated in a very small area, so therefore the pressure on the edge is much greater.
在刀把上,力会在一个较广阔的区域传播,但在刀刃上,力会聚集在一个非常小的区域,因此刀刃上的压力会剧增 。
You can easily see how this works with a piece of modeling clay, a nail with a wide head, and a nail with a small head.
只要借助一块橡皮泥、一枚宽头钉和一枚窄头钉,你很容易就能看到这一原理 。
First hold the nail with the wide head by its shaft and push it head-first into theball of clay.
首先将宽头钉的杆竖起,将其头朝下推入橡皮泥球 。
Then do the same with the small-headed nail.
然后对窄头钉做同样动作 。
The small-headed nail goes into the clay much more easily than the wide-headed nail.
窄头钉比宽头钉更容易嵌入橡皮泥 。
Since thehead of the small nail has less surface area than the big one, the force of your push isconcentrated in a smaller area, exerts more pressure on the clay, and so the nail goes in moreeasily.
由于窄头钉的头部面积比宽头钉小,你的推力将集中在一个更小的区域,对橡皮泥产生更大的压力,因此钉子更容易嵌入 。
The same principle causes pointed high-heeled shoes to sink into a soft surface more easilythan flat shoes.
同理,尖高跟鞋比平跟鞋更易陷入表面柔软的物体 。
By applying this principle to the knife you can see that with a keener edge there's a greaterconcentration of the pressure on the edge, so it takes much less force to make the knife cut.
将这一原理运用在刀上,你能看到,在锋利的刀刃上,压力能更好的聚集,因此切割起来更省力 。