Mike: I'm glad you decided to come watch this movie with me today, Amanda. The director has done a lot of cutting edge work, and I hear that this is his most experimental film yet.
迈克:阿曼达,我很高兴今天你能陪我一起看这场电影 。这部片子的导演曾创作过不少前卫的电影,而且听说这是他最成熟的一部电影 。
Amanda: I just hope it isn't as boring as the last movie you made me watch—the one where the main character did nothing but stare at clocks for two hours. I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy-fartsy movies. Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedy sometimes?
阿曼达:我只希望它不像你上次带我去看的那部那么无聊就好了 。那部电影里面的主演什么事都没做,光盯着时钟就看了两个小时 。我真不明白我们干嘛整天看这种做作的文艺片,难道我们就不能去看一部老式的浪漫喜剧吗?
Mike: Going to see those kinds of mainstream Hollywood movies is just going to make your brain cells rot. Don't you want a movie to make you think? Don't you want it to cause you to see the world in profound new ways?
迈克:去看那些随大流的好莱坞电影只会让你的脑细胞死亡 。难道你就不想看一部能够引你思考的电影吗?难道你就不想看一部可以让你对世界有新的、更深层次的认识的电影吗?
Amanda: Actually, I always thought that we go to the movies because we want to be entertained. I wasn't aware that it was supposed to be educational, like going to school or something.
阿曼达:实际上,我总觉得我们去看电影就是因为想娱乐娱乐 。我没有意识到原来看电影还要有教育意义,就像去上学似的 。
Mike: Shhh... All right, be quiet! The movie's starting.
迈克:嘘...好吧,安静点!电影开始了 。
Amanda: Wait a second! I didn't know Angelina Jolie was going to be in this! I thought the reason you wanted to watch this movie was because it's "experimental."
阿曼达:等一会!我不知道这部电影里会出现安吉丽娜·朱莉!我还以为你看这部电影是因为它有“实验性” 。
Mike: It is! It is! Trust me, you'll thank me for bringing you!