It's eleven o'clock Sunday morning, and you've just woken up after a late night of carousing.
现在是周日上午11点,而你刚从前一晚的狂欢过后醒来 。
You stumble out of bed, brace yourself on the bathroom sink and blink into the mirror.
你跌跌撞撞地走下床,双手撑在盥洗台上,睡眼惺忪地看向镜子 。
There, under your eyes, are dark, puffy patches that make you look like an NFL linebacker.
看到了吗,你眼睛下面那深色浮肿的眼袋,让你看起来像美国橄榄球联盟的后卫队员 。
I need more sleep, you think, fingering the dark spots. And so you stumble back to bed.
用手抚摸着黑眼袋,你想,我需要更多的睡眠 。于是你又踉跄着回到床上 。
You may indeed need to sleep a bit longer, but despite the common misconception,
dark circlesand puffiness under or around your eyes appear to have little to do with lack of sleep.
但眼周或眼底的黑眼圈和浮肿似乎与睡眠不足没有太大的关系 。
In fact, what seems to be a fairly common and hence supposedly explainable phenomenon remains something of a mystery to scientists.
事实上,这个看起来相当容易解释的常见现象对科学家们来说却仍然是个谜 。