Fetus Learning
Did you know that infants prefer their mothers' voices to that of other females? And that they will change their behavior in order to solicit her voice?
你知道吗?比起其他女性的声音,胎儿更喜欢自己妈妈的声音 。他们还会为了听到妈妈的声音而改变自己的行为 。
Sounds reasonable to me.
听起来很有道理 。
Ok, but did you know that a fetus can distinguish its mother's voice from that of other females before it is even born.
那你知道吗?婴儿在娘胎里,就能分辨自己妈妈和其他女性的声音了 。
I'm not sure. How could anyone possible detect that?
By listening to the heart, fetuses at term were played recordings of their mothers reading a poem, as well as recordings of a female stranger reading the same poem.
用心听 。给足月胎儿放自己妈妈读诗的录音和陌生阿姨读同首诗的录音 。
The fetuses' hearts accelerated when they heard their own mothers' voices, but actually decelerated when they heard the voice of the female stranger.
当听到自己妈妈录音时,胎儿的心跳加速;而事实上,当听到陌生阿姨的录音时,胎儿心跳减速 。