The study, done by researchers at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada,
followed nearly 9,000 participants for six months none of whom had been diagnosed with depression or had taken antidepressants.
他们用6个月的时间跟访了近9000名参与者,这些人此前从未患过抑郁症或服用任何抗抑郁药物 。
They found that those who ate the most fast food were nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as those who ate little or none.
研究人员发现,经常食用快餐的人被诊断患抑郁症的概率几乎是那些少吃或不吃快餐的人的两倍 。
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that eating fast food causes depression.
当然,这并不一定意味着吃快餐会患抑郁症 。
It could be the other way around that people who become depressed for whatever reason tend to eat more fast food.
有可能是因某种原因患有抑郁症的人更喜欢吃快餐 。
But while it’s not certain that consuming fast food causes depression, the chance that it might is yet another reason to get off the fast food track and opt for more healthful options.
虽然无法确定吃快餐是否会导致抑郁,但患上抑郁症的风险也让我们有理由远离快餐,寻求更加健康的饮食方式 。