But with cooler air sitting tight at ground level, the usual temperature pattern turns upside down for a few hundred feet above the ground.
但是随着冷空气在地表停留,地表上方几百英尺处的气温模式就会发生颠倒 。
Known as a temperature inversion, this upside-down pattern acts as a barrier, dividing the cool, calm air on the ground from whatever’s happening above.
这也被称为“逆温现象”,这种颠倒的气温模式就像一道屏障,将地表较冷而平静的空气从上层大气中隔离出来 。
On many calm nights, the wind still blows far overhead, but a temperature inversion prevents it from coming down to earth.
在许多平静的夜晚,风还是会从上空吹过,只不过逆温现象阻止了风吹向地面 。
At sunrise, everything changes. The sun warms the earth and the lower layers of the atmosphere, mixing everything up.
等到日出后,一切都变了 。太阳使地球和低层大气温度升高,所有气流融合一起 。
Without the temperature inversion as a boundary, the winds gust down to the ground again, picking up the most speed on smooth landscapes with little resistance to wind.
没有逆温层隔断,风又重新吹向地面,在几乎不受阻的情况下加速吹过平坦的地面 。