Our sense of smell can have a large impact on how we think and feel.
我们的嗅觉对我们的思维和感觉能够产生很大影响 。
But did you know that mood can affect how we smell?
但你知道吗,心情也是能够影响嗅觉的 。
According to a study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin Madison, feeling anxious can make typically neutral smells seem repugnant.
根据威斯康星麦迪逊大学研究人员的一份报告显示,焦虑的心情能够让典型的中性气味变得刺鼻 。
The study involved a dozen volunteers who rated a panel of neutral smells.
该项研究邀请了12名志愿者并让他们辨别一组中性气味 。
Then, while inside an MRI machine, subjects were made to feel anxious with disturbing images of car crashes and grisly war scenes.
然后通过向他们播放撞车和可怕的战争场景图像来使他们产生焦虑的情绪,并用核磁共振仪进行观察 。
They were then once again asked to rank the panels of neutral smells.
接着,志愿者们被要求再次对这组中性气味进行辨别 。
But now, after having been made anxious by the images, they described some of the smells as negative. So, what's going on?
但是由于之前看到的影片产生了焦虑感,他们这次则表示闻到的气体是刺鼻的 。那会发生什么呢?
MRI revealed that during induced anxiety, the smell related circuits of the brain became intertwined with the brain's emotional circuitry.
核磁共振结果显示,由于心情焦虑,大脑中跟嗅觉有关的回路跟情绪相关的回路产生了交织 。