Let's say you're an 18 year old male who runs every other day, logging 12 miles a week.
假设你是一个18岁的男性,每隔一天就会跑步,算下来每周会跑12英里 。
Now fast-forward to your late 40's.
现在,把你的年龄快速往后推到40多近50岁 。
Your eating habits are the same.
你的饮食习惯不变 。
To maintain your high school weight, how many miles a week would you need to run?
Believe it or not, you'd have to multiply your weekly mileage 4 and 1/2 times, increasing it from 12 to 54 miles a week!
So, unless you take up weekly double marathons in middle-age, it's impossible simply to “outrun” middle-age spread.
除非你在人到中年时,每周进行两次马拉松长跑,否则绝不可能轻易逃脱中年发福 。
That's because metabolism decreases with age.
这是因为,新陈代谢的过程随年龄而逐渐放缓 。
At 50 you just don't burn as many calories as you did at 18.
到了50岁,你就不能像18岁时一样燃烧同样多的卡路里 。
Luckily, there are other factors in this equation.
幸运的是,在这个等式中还有其他的影响因素 。
Gradually eating less is one way to make up the difference, since metabolism slows by about 100 calories every ten years.
减少食量是一种弥补差额的方法 。因为新陈代谢的过程每隔十年就会降低100卡路里的消耗 。
That's equivalent to a tablespoon of butter.
这个数字相当于一大匙黄油的热量 。