What makes science really fun is when you get to do things yourself, so today we’re going to be making moon craters.
They’re the roundish blast-marks left on the moon’s surface by ancient meteorites.
陨石坑是古代陨石撞击月球表面后留下圆形痕迹 。
The moon’s surface is covered with literally billions of impact craters, and some of them are bigger than a fair-sized city on earth.
月球表面有数十亿的陨石坑,有的陨石坑甚至比地球上某个大城市还要大 。
You can see the bigger ones just with the naked eye, and with a pair of binoculars you can make out many more.
通过肉眼,你只能看到月球表面较大的陨石坑,如果使用望远镜的话就能看到更多陨石坑 。
So now let’s make some of our own. Take a wide, flat pan, such as the kind you’d bake cookies in.
现在,咱们来自己制作陨石坑吧 。找一个宽的平底锅,类似于平时烘焙饼干的那种 。
Take it outside, because this gets kind of messy! Poor flour or baking soda or sand across the bottom so it makes a thick, flat surface.
最好到户外做,因为实验现场会一团糟 。将面粉、小苏打或沙子倒进锅底,形成一层厚实、平坦的表面 。
That’s your undisturbed moon.
这就像未受到过撞击的月球表面 。