Once it reaches the spinal cord, the impulse is routed speedily back to the muscle originally stimulated.
一旦到达脊髓,神经冲动便会迅速返回至最初受到到刺激的肌肉 。
This process occurs almost instantaneously, before we’ve even had time to consciously register that the reflex has happened.
整个过程几乎是在瞬间发生的,甚至在我们意识到之前,条件反射就已经发生了 。
Although a reflex is automatic, it can change over time, depending on the regularity of the stimulus.
虽然条件反射是自发形成的,但它会随时间变化,这取决于刺激发生的频率 。
If a stimulus is repeated continuously, the reflex first undergoes sensitization, meaning that it increases in response.
如果某种刺激在不断地重复,条件反射首先会对这种刺激变得敏感,预示着条件反射的反应次数会增加 。
But if the stimulus is repeated beyond a certain point, the reflex begins to decrease until it disappears.
但如果这种重复性的刺激超过了某个点时,条件反射次数就会开始减少至消失 。
In other words, you can tame a reflex by, for instance, hearing a sudden loud noise repeatedly until you stop jumping.
换句话说,条件反射是可以克服的,比如反复听突如其来的巨响,直到你不会被吓一跳为止 。