They're a home owner's nemesis and a young kid's delight. Whether they're yellow flowers dotting an otherwise perfect lawn or white puffs ready to be blown away by a sudden gust, dandelions are either hated or loved by just about everybody. What looks like a single yellow flower growing in your lawn is actually many flowers grouped together. Each section of the flower that looks like a petal is actually an individual flower in its own right.
蒲公英是房子主人的克星,却能给孩子们带来欢乐 。无论是点缀在完美的草坪上的黄色花朵,还是忽然一阵风刮来就会被吹走的纯白蓬松的果实,蒲公英让每个人又爱又恨 。蒲公英黄色的花朵看上去像是一朵,但实际上是许多花朵的组合 。那些看起来类似花瓣的部分,实际上都是一朵独立的花 。
A dandelion is an aggregate of many small flowers and each individual flower has its own stamens and pistil, and therefore can reproduce without fertilization. After a dandelion has bloomed, each of the individual flowers within a single dandelion forms a seed. The seed is attached to fluffy white threads, which allow the seed to fly to a place where, if it meets favorable conditions, it can germinate to create another dandelion. Even if you hate this common weed, you've got to respect its tenacious spirit.
Dandelions are native to six continents, and are found throughout the world except in the tropics. Their impressive roots, which can be up to a foot long, allow them to thrive in inhospitable environments, like big cities, where most flowers and weeds can't even survive.
蒲公英原产于六个大陆,除了热带,世界的任何地方都能找到它们的身影 。令人惊叹的是,它们的根部长达一英尺,这样的根部使它们能在荒凉的环境中茁壮成长,例如不适合许多花草生存的大城市 。
Cut off a dandelion at the surface and the root will grow another plant. But dandelions aren't just annoying weeds; they've been used throughout history in a variety of ways. Dandelion leaves have been eaten as salad greens and dried to make dandelion tea; and dandelion flowers have been used to make wine and schnapps. In addition, the milky juice of one kind of dandelion has been used to make a natural rubber.
将蒲公英的表面或者根部切断,就会重新长出一株蒲公英来 。然而,蒲公英并不是令人头疼的杂草 。历史上有各种关于食用蒲公英的记载 。蒲公英的叶子可做成沙拉食用,也可晒干用来泡茶 。蒲公英的花朵能用来酿葡萄酒和松子酒 。此外,有一种蒲公英的白色汁液可用来制作天然橡胶 。