Let's start by reviewing the ways in which the surface of ourlips is different from the surface of the skin on the rest of ourbodies.
首先,我们需要知道嘴唇的表皮有别于身体其他部位的 。
Basically, our lips are made of the same mucusmembrane that coats the inside of our mouths.
基本而言,嘴唇有相同的粘液膜组成,保护我们的嘴巴 。
This means two things.
这就说明了两件事首先 。
First, our lips don't have the same protective outer layer as the skin elsewhere on our bodies.
第一,我们身体其他部位的肌肤有一层“保护层”,这是嘴唇所没有的 。
This layer is part of the barrier to evaporation, and its absence means our lip skin retains less fluid.
“保护层”能有效保湿,嘴唇因为没有而不易保湿 。
Second, our lips don't have the same glands and pigments as ordinary skin.
第二,嘴唇不像其他肌肤有腺体和色素 。
For example, lipsdon't have oil glands, which also help keep moisture from evaporating, and they contain lessmelanin, the pigment that helps protect our skin from sunburn.
比如,嘴唇不能分泌油脂,不易保湿 。此外,嘴唇缺少黑色素等色素保护皮肤免受太阳灼伤 。
What this means is that our lips have little to no protection from the environment, and their mainsource of moisture is the saliva that comes from our mouths.
这就说明嘴唇易受环境影响,而嘴唇水分大多来源于嘴里的唾液 。
What's more, unlike much of therest of our body, our lips are almost always on display, and rarely covered by clothing.
此外,嘴唇有别于身体其他部位的皮肤,嘴唇经常暴露在外面 。
As a result,the moisture on our lips is continually evaporating.
And that's before we take into account exposure to sun, wind, cold, and air-conditioning.
这还不算阳光、大风、天冷、空调的“摧残” 。
Plus, if you're sick or have allergies, and your nose is congested, your lips end up drying more quickly because you tend to breathe through your mouth.