If you haven’t cleaned out your refrigerator in a while, there might be a nasty surprise waiting for you.
如果你有段时间没有清理过冰箱,那么里面的脏乱定会让你大吃一惊 。
There, in a forgotten piece of Tupperware, lurks the ravioli you didn’t finish three weeks ago.
冰箱里的特百惠保鲜盒内有3周前你没有吃完的饺子 。
Opening the lid with curiosity and fear, you’re confronted by a blue-green mess that only vaguely resembles pasta.
带着好奇和恐惧打开盖子后,进入眼帘的是一团蓝绿混杂的东西,样子有点像意大利面 。
The lesson here seems to be that even when a jar or container is resealed and refrigerated, the food inside inevitably succumbs to a moldy end.
从这里不难看出,即使一个打开的罐子或容器被再次密封、冷藏,里面的食物也免不了会变质 。
Actually, it depends on the food. For instance, when’s the last time you noticed that your honey had gone bad?
实际上,发霉与否取决于食物本身 。例如,你上一次发现蜂蜜变质是什么时候?
Apparently, a jar of honey that’s been opened and resealed can stay on the shelf for years without going bad.
很明显,一罐打开过又再次密封的蜂蜜能够在货架上保存数年不变质 。
Archaeologists have even found ancient jars with unspoiled honey inside.
考古学家们甚至发现,古代容器内的蜂蜜依然保存完好 。
So what’s the secret to this longevity?