But plain, simple popcorn is not only a healthful snack but also one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.
但是普通的爆米花不仅是一款健康的零食,而且是你能吃到的最有营养的食物之一 。
Popcorn is a whole grain that’s high in fiber and low in calories.
爆米花是一种高纤维、低卡路里的全谷物食品 。
Beyond that, food researchers have found that popcorn is teeming with antioxidant molecules that help protect against cancer,
heart disease and other illnesses, and repair damaged cells.
心脏病及其它疾病的侵袭,还能够修复受损细胞 。
In fact, like many whole grains, popcorn has more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables.
事实上,爆米花与许多全谷物食品一样,其所含的抗氧化物高于水果和蔬菜 。
It’s still not clear what percentage of those antioxidants is absorbed by the body.
目前尚不明确人体能够吸收多少抗氧化物 。
But in any case, if you air-pop popcorn and don’t douse it in butter, salt, and other less healthful things, popcorn is really a very nutritious snack.
但是无论如何,如果你只是单纯的制作爆米花,不添加黄油、盐和其他有害健康的佐料,那么这种爆米花的确是健康零食 。