Unless you're an entomologist or a beekeeper, beestypically inspire one thing: fear.
一提到蜜蜂,大家能联想到的可能是“可怕”,昆虫学者或养蜂人当然例外啦 。
But most bees are non-aggressive, and only sting when provoked.
In fact, once youget beyond the stinger, bees are pretty fascinating.
事实上,蜜蜂是伟大的建筑师,而绝非仅仅是蜇人 。
Beehive construction begins with finding a suitable site.
Scout bees seek hollow spaces in trees and human-made structures.
侦察蜂寻觅合适的搭建处 。
Such spaces must be able to hold at least six and a half gallons, andhave a small entrance that faces south for warmth.
侦察蜂在树林间或人造建筑物中寻找至少6.5加仑的空间,并且有面朝温暖南方的入口 。
Once they've found the perfect spot, the scouts prepare the site by clearing away loose wood orother rubbish and coat the space with a dried tree resin called propolis.
一旦侦察蜂找到绝佳的建造蜂巢点,它们会做好准备工作:清理掉松动的木材或其它杂物,在表层涂上叫蜂胶的干树脂 。
Worker bees then take over, secreting wax to build the hive.
下一步轮到工蜂了,工蜂用蜂蜡建造蜂巢 。
Starting from the top and workingdown, they build combs-layers of hexagonally shaped cells with passageways along the walls toallow bees to move between combs.
先搭建巢基,逐层往下,每个蜂房都是六边形的 。蜂房与蜂房间要留有空隙以便蜜蜂出入 。
Each layer of cells has a specialized purpose.
每个蜂房都有特殊的作用 。
The uppermost cells store honey, followed by pollen-storage cells.
The bottom layers aredesignated for infant-rearing.
Just beneath the pollen cells are brood cells where larvae becomeworker bees, and off to the side are cells housing drone bee larvae.
最下层是育婴室,两侧居住的是雄蜂幼虫 。
Last, but certainly not least,special cells are set aside to shelter infant queen bees.
当然,特殊的蜂房是留给有着尊贵地位的蜂王的 。
A typical nest has about 100,000 cells with a total surface area of about twenty-seven square feet.
标准的蜂巢有100,000个蜂房,连上表层大概有27平方英尺 。
Most of the cells are used to store the more than forty pounds of honey required to feed a beecolony during the winter.
大多数蜂巢储存了40多英镑的蜂蜜足够整个蜜蜂家族度过整个冬天了 。
They may not win any awards, but bees are clearly some of nature's most accomplished architects.
虽然,蜜蜂从未因此获奖 。但是,它们无疑是大自然最杰出的建造师 。