Time to go the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes:
接下来是《科学一刻》听众来信时间 。我们的一位听众写道:
Dear A Moment of Science,I've heard that pork can be used to stop a nosebleed.
亲爱的《科学一刻》栏目,我听说猪肉能被用来治流鼻血 。
Is this true, or just a myth?
Well, there are lots of anecdotal stories about doctors in the 17-and 1800s stuffing patients'noses with salt pork to stop nosebleeds.
呃,现在流传着许多这样的奇闻趣事,说的是18,19世纪的医生将腌猪肉塞进病人的鼻子里治疗流鼻血 。
But the practice fell out of favor at some point because the meat wasn't always the freshest, and often swarmed with bacteria and other dangerous parasites.
但是在某些时候,这一疗法并不流行 。因为猪肉并不总是最新鲜的,经常有细菌以及其他有害的寄生虫 。
But recently, doctors at the Detroit Medical Center used this old folk method to treat a young child who suffered from frequent and prolonged bloody noses.
但是在近期,底特律医疗中心的医生们就用这一偏方来治疗一名小孩子 。这个孩子频繁地流鼻血且持续时间很长,她深受其苦 。
Using so called nasal tampons made of raw, salt pork, which they packed into her nose, the docs were able to stop the bleeding withintwenty-four hours.
医生将由生的腌猪肉做成的,所谓的鼻子止血棉,塞进她的鼻子 。在24小时之内,医生们成功的止住了这个孩子的鼻血 。
Now, to be sure, trying this admittedly weird sounding method on a single patient hardly constitutes an in depth study.
说老实话,只在一名病人身上尝试这个听起来确实古怪的老偏方,几乎难以构成一项有深度的医学研究 。
But the pork treatment seems to have worked in this case.Why?
但是在这个案例中,猪肉疗法看起来起作用了 。这是为什么呢?
It could be that raw salt pork has certain qualities that help stop the bleeding.
可能的原因是,生的腌猪肉具有某种特性,有助于止血 。
Or maybe thecombination of cold and salt narrow the blood vessels while the fat kick-starts clotting.
或者可能是,在脂肪快速凝固的同时,低温和盐的共同作用使血管收缩 。
In any case, it's an interesting example of how some old folk cures might have some basis inscience.
不管怎样,这都是一个有趣的例子,关于一些老偏方如何具有科学依据 。