In many countries, white wines such as Chardonnay are the preferred choice when people have seafood or poultry dishes. And they certainly don't stain your teeth, tongue or lips like red wines do. However findings published in the journal of Nutrition Research, may come as a revelation to most drinkers. It's claimed that enjoying a glass of white wine on a frequent basis can damage your teeth, because of the high acidity levels in white wine it can erode the tooth enamel more quickly than red wine.
在许多国家,人们食用海鲜或禽类菜肴时常与白葡萄酒(比如霞多丽)搭配 。当然,白葡萄酒不会像红酒一样把你的牙齿、舌头或嘴唇染红 。然而,一项发表在《营养学期刊》上的研究结果也许会对广大饮酒爱好者起到启示作用 。这项研究声称频繁饮用白葡萄酒对牙齿有伤害,因为相比红葡萄酒而言,白葡萄酒的高酸度会更快地腐蚀牙釉质 。
The team of researchers examined the effects on teeth of eight red and eight white wines from different parts of the world. In the lab, adult teeth soaked in white wine for a day suffered a loss of both calcium and a mineral called phosphorus to depths of up to 60 micrometers in the enamel surface, which the researchers say is significant.
研究小组检查了16种来自世界各地的葡萄酒对牙齿的影响,其中红白葡萄酒各八种 。在实验中将成年人的牙齿浸泡在白酒里,一天之后发现从牙釉质表面到以下60微米的地方,钙和磷物质均有损坏,研究人员称这很严重 。
And the matter isn't helped by brushing your teeth soon after drinking, as excessive brushing action can lead to further loss of enamel. Also the effects can be made worse by how frequently you sip your wine.
即使在饮酒之后立即刷牙也于事无补,因为过度刷牙会进一步导致牙釉质受损 。频繁地小口啜酒也会使情况更加恶化 。
But the study wasn't all bad news for wine lovers. By having cheese or creamy desserts, the acid attacks can be reduced. “The tradition of enjoying different cheeses for dessert, or in combination with drinking wine, might have a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion since cheeses contain calcium in a high concentration," the scientists added.
但对饮酒爱好者来说,研究结果并不完全是坏消息 。饮酒时与奶酪和奶油甜点搭配,可以减轻酸性的攻击 。科学家们补充道:“按照传统,人们会享用不同奶酪甜点、或与葡萄酒搭配食用,这可能对预防蛀牙具有益影响,因为奶酪里含有高浓度的钙 。”
Professor Damien Walmsley, of the British Dental Association recommended a 30 minute break between drinking and brushing and to drink wine with food. “Consuming wine alongside food, rather than on its own, means the saliva you produce as you chew helps to neutralise its acidity and limits its erosive potential.”
英国牙医师公会的达民·华姆斯利教授建议喝酒之后,至少过三十分钟再刷牙,并且最好在用餐时喝酒 。“酒应与食物一起消化,而不是单独消化,因为咀嚼时分泌的唾液可以中和酒的酸度,降低腐蚀的风险 。”