Remember that kid in your grade school class who stuttered?
Well, he was in good company–a whopping three million people in the United States alone are affected by this problem.
其实,他的同伴可不少-光是在美国,就有多达三百万的人有这个毛病 。
It isn’t life threatening, but it certainly can be life hampering, as anyone who has a stutter can tell you.
当然,结巴并不会危及生命,但是,相信任何一个结巴的人都会告诉你:它确实会给生活带来不少麻烦 。
There’s something very interesting about stuttering, though, which you might not expect: it can be effected by what you hear.
然而,关于结巴,还有个有趣的现象是出乎你意料的:结巴跟你的耳朵关系密切 。实际上,结巴会受所听内容的影响 。
For a long time stutterers have understood that talking along in a group, such as when you recite the pledge of allegiance, can make the problem diminish.
一些结巴患者经过长期实践发现,如果连续地说上一段话结巴现象就会缓和不少,比如说在不停地背诵效忠誓言 。