Most neurons can’t divide to form new cells, so there’s no way to replace them if they die.
大多数神经细胞无法分裂产生新的细胞,因此一旦神经细胞死亡就没有其它细胞可以替代 。
But living neurons continue to grow all of our lives, forming new branches and connections with other neurons.
但是存活的神经细胞会继续随着人体发育不断成长,形成新的分支并与其他神经细胞建立连接 。
That makes up for much of what we’ve lost.
这就弥补了大部分损失掉了的神经细胞 。
And there’s another type of brain cell, called a glial cell, that can divide to form new cells.
此外,还有一种名为神经胶质细胞的脑细胞,这种细胞会分裂并产生新的细胞 。
Glial cells help neurons do their job better and provide a framework to support them.
神经胶质细胞能帮助神经元更好的完成工作并提供一个框架支持他们 。
But brain power isn’t just about numbers of cells.
但是智力不仅仅取决于神经细胞的数量 。
Eating a well-balanced diet and experiencing and learning new things all influence the way neurons branch and connect.
饮食均衡,感受和学习新鲜事物都会影响神经元分叉和连接的方式 。
In other words, the more you use your brain, the better it works.
换句话说,大脑越用越灵活 。