For example, when you get a low grade fever it might be because your body is trying to make things uncomfortable for invading microbes.
例如,当你低烧的时候,可能是你的身体试图做出不舒服的表现以应对入侵的微生物 。
When you take medicine to lower a fever you might actually be helping whatever's making you sick in the first place.
当你选择吃药来降低发烧你可能实际上是帮助任何使你首要发病的地方 。
So you're saying that I should never take medicine?
Not at all. Sometimes medicine is absolutely necessary, like when you have a really high fever.
也不尽然 。药物有时候是绝对必要的,比如在你真正发高烧的时候 。
But the point is that it's not always best to automatically try to stop all symptoms when you don't feel well.
但关键是,对于自动阻止所有你感觉不舒服的症状并不总是最好的 。
Until studies are done on the effectiveness of taking aspirin and other fever-lowering drugs,
it may be hard to know when to treat cold symptoms and when to leave them alone.
可能很难知道什么时候治疗感冒的症状,什么时候让其自然痊愈 。
But in the case of a cold or mild fever, it may very well be worth letting nature take care of business.
但对于轻微感冒或者发烧,让身体自己康复也非常好 。
Bear in mind, too, that aspirin should never be given to children.
但记住,切记不要给孩子吃阿司匹林 。