While osteoporosis is treatable, it's not curable, so early detection really is key.
骨质疏松症可以进行治疗,但并不会治愈,所以早期发现成了重中之重 。
As it is, though, about one in two women, and one in four men over fifty will probably have an osteoporosis-related fracture.
不过,数据表明50人中2名女性会有1人,而4名男性中则有1人可能会有骨质疏松相关的骨折 。
For women, in fact, the odds of suffering a hip fracture are the same as the combined odds of suffering breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer.
对女性而言,事实上,患髋关节骨折的概率和患乳腺癌、卵巢癌及子宫癌的组合概率一样 。
And hip fractures, especially, are very difficult to recover from-they're linked with a major deterioration in the person's health, to the point that about a quarter of folks over fifty who fracture their hips don't survive one year.
而髋关节骨折尤其最难恢复,它与患者的健康状况恶化有很大关系, 超过50名髋关节骨折患者中大约四分之一的人活不过1年时间 。
Treating all those fractures adds up.
这些骨折的治疗呈现增加趋势 。
In 2001, direct medical expenses related to osteoporosis,like hospitalization and nursing homes, amounted to seventeen billion dollars.
2001年与骨质疏松症有关如入院及疗养院的直接医疗费用达170亿美元 。