日期:2013-01-10 16:57



Fat is fat, right? There's belly fat, leg fat, even neck fat. But when all is said and done, fat is fat. And the less of it you have the better. Except…for brown fat. Unlike white fat cells that store energy, brown fat burns energy. It's typically found in hibernating animals and human babies. When it's cold, brown fat burns calories, which releases heat to keep the body warm. Until recently, scientists thought that as people grew, their brown fat melted away. But it turns out that human adults have some brown fat, too.



This discovery is pretty new, so scientists are still figuring out what it means, and whether brown fat can somehow be used to help people lose weight. But there are some promising signs. Studies have shown that lean people tend to have more brown fat, and that the fat is most active in cool temperatures. So it's possible that people become obese partly because they don't have enough brown fat to burn excess calories. Scientists are now working on ways to help obese bodies create more brown fat.
这个发现很新奇,所以科学家仍然在研究这个问题,他们要研究出棕色脂肪是否能够帮助人类减轻体重AWIU6;s&B=8n*(~Y(E。 但也有一些令人鼓舞的迹象Yg]*xq=lB(@X;23m!;R。研究表明,身材苗条的人体内含有更多褐色脂肪,并且在凉爽的气温下这种脂肪最活跃|7nWfslHLTW9。所以人会变肥胖有部分原因可能是由于体内没有足够的褐色脂肪来消耗多余的热量vjpgXLbmNDJ#qC[K@。目前科学家正在研究帮助肥胖患者体内生成更多褐色脂肪的途径1YNmEH#_kFzBLu;Iu
Experimenting with proteins, Harvard researchers have managed to ramp up production of brown fat cells in mice. Brown fat is no miracle cure for obesity. It's not clear whether having more brown fat actually does or could lead to more weight loss. And scientists are a long way from being able to increase brown fat stores in people. But at the very least, we've learned that not all fat is necessarily bad. Down the road, brown fat may help make people's lives better.



  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • obesityn. 肥胖,肥大
  • meltedadj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过
  • excessn. 过量,超过,过剩 adj. 过量的,额外的
  • promisingadj. 有希望的,有前途的
  • miraclen. 奇迹