冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1160期:第五十四章 琼恩(13)
日期:2018-05-01 12:45


You said the words, Pyp reminded him. "Now my watch begins, you said it. It shall not end until my death."
I shall live and die at my post, Grenn added, nodding.
You don't have to tell me the words, I know them as well as you do. He was angry now. Why couldn't they let him go in peace? They were only making it harder.
I am the sword in the darkness, Halder intoned.
The watcher on the walls, piped Toad.
Jon cursed them all to their faces. They took no notice. Pyp spurred his horse closer, reciting, "I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men."
Stay back, Jon warned him, brandishing his sword. "I mean it, Pyp." They weren't even wearing armor, he could cut them to pieces if he had to.
Matthar had circled behind him. He joined the chorus. "I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch."
Jon kicked his mare, spinning her in a circle. The boys were all around him now, closing from every side.
For this night... Halder trotted in from the left.
... and all the nights to come, finished Pyp. He reached over for Jon's reins. "So here are your choices. Kill me, or come back with me."
Jon lifted his sword... and lowered it, helpless. "Damn you," he said. "Damn you all."

  • hornn. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉
  • swordn. 剑,刀
  • maren. 母马,母驴 n. (月球等)表面阴暗处
  • chorusn. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • helplessadj. 无助的,无依靠的
  • shieldn. 盾,防卫物,盾状物 vt. 保护,遮蔽
  • pledgen. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品 vt. 保证,发誓,以